Category: Bhaskar

  • Is critical realism a modal realism?

    One of Roy Bhaskar’s central ontological claims is that in addition to the actual – the things and events that occur in the material universe – our ontology must also recognise a domain of the real, which includes the actual, but extends beyond it. In his first book, A Realist Theory of Science, he argued…

  • Materialism and critical realism

    In the first couple of substantive posts on this blog I pinned my colours firmly to a materialist perspective on the social sciences. But what does thisĀ ‘materialism’ actually mean?

  • Why ‘Materially Social’? Part One

    I’ve called this blog ‘Materially Social’ because the phrase links together the original motivations for my research programme with some recent developments in it. Today I’m going to focus on the original motivations and where they’ve led me – I’ll post about the recent developments later.

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