Dave Elder-Vass on ‘Materially Social’ critical realism, interviewed by Jamie Morgan in the Journal of Critical Realism (2022).
‘From original institutionalism to the economics of conventions and Inventing Value: An interview with Dave Elder-Vass’. Interviewed by Jamie Morgan (again, but with a different focus!) in Real World Economics Review (2023).
(There are further videos on the page for my book Inventing Value).
‘Critical realism, social construction, and the role of norms’, online presentation to the critical realist Crime Security and Justice Network, 25 September, 2023.
‘Critical realism and the causal explanation of human action’, talk at University of Plymouth, 7 April, 2019.
‘From modes of production to complexes of appropriative practices’. My talk at The Dynamics of Capitalism: Inquiries to Marx on the Occasion of His 200th Birthday Conference jointly organized by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Hamburg, 3-5 May, 2018.
Social Science and Realism after Assemblage Theory. A webinar, featuring Tim Rutzou and Dave Elder-Vass, recorded June 2017.
‘How to think differently about the economy’. My TEDx LoughboroughU talk, 12 November 2016.
‘Causal powers, the social and the material’. A talk on the materiality of the social at the IACR annual conference in Cardiff, July 2016.
‘What is real and what is social in social construction?’ My contribution to an interdisciplinary debate in Helsinki, February 2014.
In addition to my own blog (see the links above), Daniel Little has reviewed some of my work in his impressive blog ‘Understanding Society’. Most recently he posted an excellent review of Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy and kindly invited me to provide a guest post in response. He has also posted on The Causal Power of Social Structures in April 2011, reviewed The Reality of Social Construction, and published my brief reply to his review, discussing ‘Social construction and the reliability of knowledge’ (August 2012).
A conversation with Dave Elder-Vass about the Digital Economy. A podcast by Mark Carrigan, recorded in May 2017.
Prosumption, Appropriation and the Ontology of Economic Form. Paper presented at the Centre for Social Ontology at Warwick on 27 January 2015.
Interview with Mark Carrigan. An interview recorded in January 2011, discussing my book ‘The Causal Power of Social Structures’.