Dave Elder-Vass: Publications

Open access versions of my papers

Pre-publication versions of many of my older papers can be downloaded from my page on academia.edu.

Versions of many of my more recent papers can be downloaded from Loughborough University's institutional repository.


[B4] Elder-Vass, D. (2018). Profit und Gabe in der digitalen Ökonomie. Hamburg: Hamburger Edition. German translation of Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy.

[B3] Elder-Vass, D. (2016). Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[B2] Elder-Vass, D. (2012). The Reality of Social Construction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[B1] Elder-Vass, D. (2010). The Causal Power of Social Structures, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Forthcoming articles and chapters

[A39] Rutzou, T. and D. Elder-Vass. (forthcoming). On assemblages and things. Sociological Theory.

[R4] Elder-Vass, D. (forthcoming). What is humanity? Review of Daniel Chernilo Debating Humanity for a review symposium in Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory.

Articles and book chapters

[A38] Elder-Vass, D. (2019). No price without value. Cambridge Journal of Economics, (Online).

[A37] Elder-Vass, D. (2019). Defining the gift. Journal of Institutional Economics, (Online), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1017/S174413741900033X

[A36] Elder-Vass, D. (2019). Realism, values and critique. Journal of Critical Realism 18(3), 314-8.

[A35] Whittle, J., D. Elder-Vass and K. Lumsden (2019) '"There's a bit of banter": How male teenagers "do boy" on social networking sites' in Karen Lumsden and Emily Harmer (eds), Online Othering: Exploring Digital Violence and Discrimination on the Web, Palgrave.

[A34] Elder-Vass, D. (2019). Comment on 'Disciplining Culture: A Socio-Cognitive Approach' by Victor C. de Munck and Giovanni Bennardo. Current Anthropology, 60(2), 184-5.

[A33] Elder-Vass, D. (2018). Moral economies of the digital. European Journal of Social Theory, 21(2), 141–147.

[A32] Elder-Vass, D. (2018). Lifeworld and systems in the digital economy. European Journal of Social Theory, 21(2), 227–244.

[A31] Elder-Vass, D. (2017). Reflections on sociology’s unspoken weakness: Bringing epistemology back in. Journal of Sociology, 53(4), 753–755.

[A30] Elder-Vass, D. (2017) 'Wie wirken Normen? Critical realism und die kausale Kraft sozialer Strukturen' in Urs Lindner and Dimitri Mader (eds) Critical Realism meets kritische Sozialtheorie, Transcript, 77-93.

[A29] Elder-Vass, D. (2017) 'Materialising social ontology', Cambridge Journal of Economics. 41:5, 1437-1451.

[A28] Elder-Vass, D. (2017) 'Material parts in social structures', Journal of Social Ontology, 3:1, 89-105.

[A27] Elder-Vass, D. (2015) 'The moral economy of digital gifts', International Journal of Social Quality, 5:1, 35-50.

[A26] Elder-Vass, D. (2015) 'Collective intentionality and causal powers', Journal of Social Ontology 1:2, 251-270.

[A25] Elder-Vass, D. (2015) 'Free gifts and positional gifts: Beyond exchangism', European Journal of Social Theory, 18:4, 451-468.

[A24] Elder-Vass, D. (2015) 'Developing social theory using critical realism', Journal of Critical Realism 14:1, 80-92.

[A23] Elder-Vass, D. (2015) 'Disassembling Actor-Network Theory', Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 45:1, 100-121.

[A22] Elder-Vass, D. (2014) 'Commerce, community and digital gifts' in Robert Garnett, Paul Lewis and Lenore Ealy (eds) Commerce and Community: Ecologies of Social Cooperation, Routledge, 236-252.

[A21] Elder-Vass, D. (2014) 'Social entities and the basis of their powers' in Julie Zahle and Finn Colin (eds) Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate, Springer, 39-53.

[A20] Elder-Vass, D. (2014) 'Giving and Social Transformation', Journal of Critical Realism 13:3, 261-285.

[A19] Elder-Vass, D. (2014) 'Redescription, reduction & emergence: A response to Wahlberg', Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 44:6, 792-797.

[A18] Elder-Vass, D. (2014) 'Seven ways to be a realist about language', Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 44:3, 249-267, published with a response from Alison Sealey and Bob Carter, and my 'Reply to Sealey and Carter on Realism and Language', 44:3, 282-7.

[A17] Elder-Vass, D. (2014) 'Social emergence: relational or functional?', Balkan Journal of Philosophy 6:1, 5-16, special issue on social ontology.

[A16] Elder-Vass, D. (2012) 'Towards a realist social constructionism', Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas 70, 9-24.

[A15] Archer, M. and D. Elder-Vass (2012) 'Cultural System or Norm Circles?', European Journal of Social Theory 15:1, 93-115.

[A14] Elder-Vass, D. (2012) 'Top-down causation and social structures', Interface Focus 2, 82-90. Part of an interdisciplinary special issue on the concept of top-down or downward causation.

[A13] Elder-Vass, D. (2011) 'The Causal Power of Discourse', Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41:2, 143-160.

[A12] Elder-Vass, D. (2010) 'The Emergence of Culture' in Albert & Sigmund (eds) Soziologische Theorie kontrovers (Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Special Issue 50) 351-63, VS Verlag. Published with a response by Jens Greve, 'Culture and Interpretation' and my reply 'Can groups have causal powers?' 378-82.

[A11] Elder-Vass, D. (2010) 'Realist critique without ethical naturalism and moral realism'. Journal of Critical Realism 9:1, 33-58.

[A10 - moved to 'Book Reviews' section below]

[A9] Elder-Vass, D. (2008) 'Searching for realism, structure and agency in actor network theory'. British Journal of Sociology 59:3, 455-73. Also reprinted in Hillyard (ed) 2014, Approaches to Fieldwork, Volume 1, London: Sage.

[A8] Elder-Vass, D. (2008) 'Integrating institutional, relational, and embodied structure: an emergentist perspective'. British Journal of Sociology, 59:2, 281-99.

[A7] Elder-Vass, D. (2007) 'Social structure and social relations'. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 37:4, 463-77.

[A6] Elder-Vass, D. (2007) 'Luhmann and emergentism: Competing paradigms for social systems theory?'. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 37:4, 408-32.

[A5] Elder-Vass, D. (2007) 'Reconciling Archer and Bourdieu in an Emergentist Theory of Action'. Sociological Theory, 25:4, 325-46.

[A4] Elder-Vass, D. (2007) 'A Method for Social Ontology'. Journal of Critical Realism, 6:2, 226-49.

[A3] Elder-Vass, D. (2007) 'For Emergence: Refining Archer's Account of Social Structure'. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 37:1, 25-44. (Also see the responses by Porpora, Varela, and King in the subsequent issue). Also reprinted in Olsen (ed) 2010, Realist Methodology, Volume 1, London: Sage.

[A2] Elder-Vass, D. (2006) 'Re-examining Bhaskar's three ontological domains: the lessons from emergence'. In C. Lawson, J. Latsis & N. Martins (Eds.), Contributions to Social Ontology, 160-76. London: Routledge.

[A1] Elder-Vass, D. (2005) 'Emergence and the Realist Account of Cause'. Journal of Critical Realism 4:2, 315-38.

Book Reviews

[R3] Elder-Vass, D. (2017) Book Review: Religion, Gender and Citizenship: Women of Faith, Gender Equality and Feminism, by Line Nyhagen and Beatrice Halsaa, for The Sociological Review, 65:2, 429–431.

[R2] Elder-Vass, D. (2015) 'Of babies and bathwater. A review of Tuukka Kaidesoja (2013) Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology', for Journal of Social Ontology, 1:2, 327-331.

[R1] Elder-Vass, D. (2010) Review of Frauley & Pearce (eds), Critical Realism and the Social Sciences, for British Journal of Sociology 61:1, 200-202.

Working Papers

[W1] Elder-Vass, D. (2009) 'Towards a social ontology of market systems', CRESI Working Paper 2009-06, University of Essex