Welcome to the ‘Materially Social’ blog, written by Dave Elder-Vass. Its current focus is on the political implications of my work on the economy. Earlier posts also provide accessible summaries of my academic work on a range of topics in political economy and social theory, for example
- the digital economy
- gifts
- the diversity of the economy
- alternative ways of thinking about the economy
- finance, value and profit
- social norms
- social structure and social construction
- critical realism
- and economic sociology, social ontology and social theory in general
Like most bloggers, I don’t agonise over getting every sentence to a peer-reviewable standard. As a result I may write the odd thing I come to regret or just change my mind about. No doubt I’ll miss some important things too. On the plus side, that may contribute to making it more lively and accessible!
For updates when I publish a new post, follow me on Twitter: @ElderVass